Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Battle Of Ontario

To me, being a diehard Leafs fan, I could easily say this is the best rivalry in hockey. Two big sports markets, two good teams, with great fans. Nothing could be better.

When I think of the Leafs VS. Senators rivarly, there's three things that really stand out in my mind.

Number One: When Alfredsson hit Tucker from behind, I remember it like it was yesterday. I absolutely lost my mind.

Number Two: How bad Patrick Lalime choked in game 7 in the 2004 playoffs. Alfreddson didn't help that at all though, he put the pressure on him when he garunteed victory in that series. Game seven just wasn't his night. He couldnt stop a beach ball if it was shot on him that night.

Number Three: In general, the pure hatred I have built up for Daniel Alfredson. Hate is a very strong word, but it's the only thing that fits how badly I dislike this man. He`s a great hockey player, I completely respect that. I`m just not sure what it is. It might be that dirty smirk that`s always on his face, or maybe when he hit Darcy Tucker from behind. Who knows.

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